Ownership Workshop

As most of our employees are also owners we decided to start defining our ownership strategy. First, we wanted to understand what does it mean to be an owner? Is there something else to it than potential dividends and share value increase? In our first ownership strategy session, we had Krista Elo-Pärssinen from Perheyritysten Liitto to help us understand what kind of things ownership strategy maight entail.

In addition to introducing the fundamentals, we got to actually talk about what kind of a company we think Mavericks is and what does it mean for us to be not only employees, but owners as well. We all seem to agree that Mavericks is something different, growing, self-organized, efficient and leading.

One of the most interesting outcomes was a value map – we all got to pitch in the most important values we associate as owners to Mavericks. The dominant values were honesty, respect, professionalism, cooperation, freedom, advancement, responsibility and accountability. We were quite aligned with our values – it would be really interesting to compare the results of such exercise with other companies!

From CEO’s perspective it’s intriguing to have this relationship with our employees where on the other hand I’m effectively in charge of all operations, but also accountable to our owners (including employees) for all our decisions. That fosters a culture of collaboration, mutual respect and genuine interest in making Mavericks successful!

In this first session we got to only scratch the surface of the topic of ownership strategy but everyone got deeper understanding of how we can be involved. The stage has been set for work that will definitely continue later this year. Thank you New Things Co for hosting our session in your lovely office and sauna! We believe the rent has been paid in full now 🙂