Too Good to be True?
“I heard about you a long time ago but it sounded too good to be true.”
Above is a common phrase that we encounter over and over again when talking with potential recruits. Many have heard about us, have been sneak peeking a bit what Mavericks is about, but somehow perceive everything as a fairytale. Only after being exposed to our message over and over again do people consider this an actual option and come talk with us. Well let me assure you – we are real, this thing actually works and we’re here to stay!
We like facts and transparency so here are some cold facts about Mavericks:
Current # of employees: 81 out of which 71 are consultants and 10 people work in the backoffice running our recruiting, HR, administration and sales.
2022 objectives: Continue spreading the word all over Finland 🙂
Consultant average yearly pay: ~90 000€. This is the current average, including bench time, vacations, sick leaves and all. This means more than 7200e/month plus holiday bonuses.
Average bench time in between projects: 10 working days.
# of new project opportunities per month: 90 (February 2022)
Consultant happiness indices:
Proud to work at Mavericks 3.88/4
Mavericks has lived up to expectations 3.96/4
Would recommend working at Mavericks to friends / former colleagues: 9.4/10
Here are some of the companies, our direct clients or not, who our consultants have helped. Some might sound familiar to most: ABB, Alma Media, Aimo Park, Digi- ja väestötietovirasto, Elisa, Epic Games, Evli Pankki, Fingrid, Fira, Front.ai, F-Secure, Hatch Entertainment, Helsingin kaupunki, IQM, Kemira, Kesko, Mehiläinen, Mezzoforte, Moder, MTV, Nightingale, Nokia, OP, Pandia, Pihlajalinna, Posti, Relex, Rovio, Samlink, Schibsted, Seaber, Smartly, SOK, Stockmann, Telia, Vaisala, Varma, Vastuu Group, Veikkaus, Venuu, Yle and Ympäristöministeriö.
So, we have projects, we pay what we promise, we grow fast, our customers are happy, our consultants are happy and our backoffice team is happy. Feeling doubtful still? Check if you already know someone who works here and ask them!
Still don’t believe it? Come talk with us!
You finally believe it? Come talk with us!