The Three Stereotypes of New Mavericks Consultants
Mavericks has a very clear value proposal for experienced IT-professionals. We offer a very competitive commission-based salary, freedom to work how and how much you want, simple and no-frills business and culture, and equal and fair treatment of all consultants. So what kind of people come to work at Mavericks? Here are the three most common stereotypes of people who end up wearing our swag.
The One Who’s Drawn to the Concept of Being a Software Freelancer
This person is drawn to the perks of software freelancing such as autonomy and elevated income, but isn’t ready to take the leap at least not yet. Many people might not be willing to take the financial risk of jumping from employment to entrepreneurship. Equally as many are not drawn to the prospect of having to learn how to be an entrepreneur, how to make sure you get pension, don’t mess too much with the tax office etc. Also the prospect of being responsible for finding your own projects, with or without partners, can be daunting. Finally there are those who need to be in employment due to visa-related matters.
For freelancer-minded people Mavericks offers an easy access to huge amounts of projects and personal service in actually finding the next interesting gig. We also save our employees the trouble of doing any admin work. In fact, they don’t need to do anything apart from customer work if they don’t want to.
Additionally, what we offer is the safety of employment along with its regular perks such as paid vacations and sick leaves, minimum salary for bench time, extensive health benefits and the support of the whole Mavericks community. High salary and lots of freedom without the downsides of entrepreneurship – that’s what Mavericks is.
The One Who’s Just Another Cog in a Huge Engine
Employees of big consultancies are often perfect representatives of this archetype. They are stuck with a low salary, justified by all kinds of excuses even though they invoice most of their time. They have little or no influence over what kind of projects they are working on. They feel relevant to the employer only when they are in between projects. They are – quite literally – just small cogs in something big and incomprehensible.
For this group the biggest difference is in how salary is formed. It is common that their previous employer used to invoice 20% more of their work but still Mavericks is able to pay them 40% higher salary – talk about fairness. The other important aspect is the equality of our salary model. Our consultants are really treated equally when it comes to salary, and other things too. We also offer the freedom of choice! We look for the project match in collaboration with our consultants and offer visibility to our sales pipeline even for those who currently have a project.
Our consultants first -ideology, simple business model and equal treatment lead to a much higher impact and sense of relevance for everyone who wants it. Moreover, our optional monthly company development sessions provide everyone a real chance to participate in the company development. The topics of these development sessions are always relevant for most of the consultants, and we make sure everyone gets their voice heard.
Much fairer (and higher) salary, fair and individual treatment and better projects – that’s Mavericks!
The One Who Has Other Things in Life
This person has way too many other interesting things in life than hanging out at the office every night. As our target group is senior professionals, they tend to be more experienced in life, too. Stereotypically one has a few kids, a dog and a house outside of the city center. For this target group all the hassle about spending time together and getting to know your colleagues can work against itself. One can easily feel left out or even jealous if unable to attend most of what’s going on after working hours.
Mavericks is a workplace that focuses on the fundamentals: helping our customers achieve their goals in their digital development projects. That is the most important thing and helping to achieve that is enough. No one is expected to do more than that. It’s totally OK to “just do your work” and not participate in company development or social activities. There’s no need to shepherd others, either – we’re all senior professionals here. For those who want it, that possibility definitely exists and is proactivity encouraged but we value all kinds of people.
Those who don’t want to participate in work community things value the fact that we spend 80% of our turnover in paying our employees’ salary. That way, in essence, everyone gets to choose how they reap the rewards of their own work. For this archetype our freedom of choosing one’s working hours flexibly can be of great value, too. When the salary is good, it’s easier for our consultants to sometimes prioritize time over money.
Mavericks is the go-to software consultancy for senior software professionals. We provide the fairest and most transparent compensation model on the market and make software consultants’ work life easy, simple and smooth. We are constantly looking for new team members – are you the next Maverick?