Equal pay is built-in in Mavericks’s compensation model
There are no salary negotiations at Mavericks, because the salary basis is the same for everyone. Our consultants’ salaries are based on the revenue they bring in. Not Gender, ethnicity, nor any other secondary factor affects one’s salary.
In September, Tivi wrote that Tilastokeskus statistics revealed that men’s median monthly earnings were clearly higher than women’s in almost all professions in the IT sector. In early 2021, the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland reported on the results of Tietoala ry’s annual labor market survey, which showed that the average salary in the IT sector is considerably higher in the Helsinki metropolitan area than elsewhere in Finland.
You will not see those issues at Mavericks. Equal pay is not only a pretty word here – it actualizes in practice. Our consultants’ salaries do not differ based on gender, place of residence, ethnicity, language, age or any other secondary factor. Nor is the amount of salary based on tenacity of demanding, loudest voice, longest tenure or personal preferences of an individual manager. Instead everyone is paid based on their actual market value for the company.
Mavericks has the fairest compensation of the market. You might find that arrogant, but let us open up the compensation model for you.
At Mavericks the salary basis is the same for everyone: consultant’s hourly price is always tied to current market circumstances and what kind of role and responsibility one has in a project. Monthly salary is based on the revenue the consultant brings in: At least 70% of what one brings in is spent on their salary, so the gross salary is a bit over 50% of one’s monthly invoicing. At Mavericks that means on average 6750 to 8000 EUR per month. See a more detailed breakdown here. The industry average pay for senior developers in Helsinki-based consultancies is around 4000-6000 EUR per month.
Technology industry is strongly and unfairly favoring men, and the equality discussion runs hot in Finland and abroad. The most critical metric for equality is how it actualizes in compensation. Gender, ethnicity or location should not affect one’s salary, as they are irrelevant in the matter of how well one does their job.
We are miles ahead of our competitors in this matter, because at Mavericks equal pay is built-in in our compensation model. We believe that equal pay is best achieved by quitting salary negotiations.
Mavericks is the go-to software consultancy for senior software professionals. We provide the fairest and most transparent compensation model on the market and make software consultants’ work life easy, simple and smooth. We are constantly looking for new team members – are you the next Maverick?